Cultivating Your Vision Workshop and Coaching

Workshop: September 21st, 12pm & 5pm PDT


Coaching Sessions September 28th, 12pm & 5pm PDT


Workshop: September 21st, 12pm & 5pm PDT πŸŒ€ Coaching Sessions September 28th, 12pm & 5pm PDT πŸŒ€

During our "Cultivating Your Vision" Workshop, we will delve into strategies for achieving personal and professional goals while contributing positively to our community. This workshop isn't just about self-improvement; it's about harnessing our collective potential to make a difference in the lives of those around us. 

During this workshop, you will:

  • Gain valuable insights into setting and achieving your goals.

  • Discover effective techniques to overcome obstacles and setbacks.

  • Learn how to create a vision that aligns with your passions and aspirations.

  • Contribute to a cause greater than yourself.

The exclusive "Hot Seat Coaching" opportunities will provide you with personalized guidance and insights to address your specific challenges and opportunities. You will surprise yourself with how much you learn and grow as we ask you the right questions to support your forward movement.

During these sessions, you will:

  • Get direct feedback on what you’re working on.

  • Gain deeper insight from every question asked, in and out of the hot seat.

  • Increase your confidence in your next steps.

  • Bring your big, brilliant ideas to life!

Join us in improving ourselves and supporting our community through….

Empowering Change Together

Our dear client and fellow changemaker Monica Fuselier is currently undergoing cancer treatment, facing challenges with bravery and strength every day.

In times like these, we realize the importance of coming together as a community to offer support, love, and encouragement. We firmly believe that small actions can make a big difference. That is how we know we are World Changemakers.

You Can Donate and Attend Below


Cultivating Your Vision Workshop and Coaching Attendance and Donation
from $1.00

Cultivating Your Vision Workshop: September 21st, 12pm & 5pm PDT

AND Hot Seat Q & A Coaching Sessions September 28th, 12pm & 5pm PDT

After you add your donation make sure to click on the cart to complete your transaction.